Bounce – at DVAA

Running time: 1min 7sec

Bounce was shown in the Junk to Funk exhibition at the Darwin Visual Arts Association, Darwin, Australia, in October 2016.

The theme of the exhibition was to "reuse and re-purpose recycled materials". For this work, the children's toy is something I picked up on hard rubbish the year before. The phone was my old phone which didn't work properly as a phone anymore, but could play videos and apps, so it was recycled too. And the animation was a test done in 2010 for uploading to Vimeo, which I always liked but had never used. So it too in a way was recycled. The headphones, however, were new.

The Bounce animation was delivered as an app on the phone.

Viewers can't hear the sound until they put on the headphones.

Duration of this clip: 1min 7sec

John Waller 2016